Financial hardship for businesses
Financial Hardship - Financial support available for Hobsons Bay businesses and residents
If you are experiencing financial hardship and can no longer pay your Council rates, interest on outstanding rates or Council fees and charges for your home, business, sporting club/association or community group, you can apply for financial assistance.
- Individuals, community groups, sporting clubs/associations and businesses can apply for assistance under Council’s Financial Hardship Policy (PDF, 363KB)
- Financial hardship can be brought on by unemployment, sickness, family breakdown, death of spouse, lower income, loss of income, or other significant disadvantaging life event caused by a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic
- As part of the policy: rates, rent, interest, fees and charges can be deferred and affordable payment plans can be negotiated.
To find out more go to Financial assistance - Hobsons Bay
- Complete the Request for Financial Assistance Application online
- Customer service can provide confidential assistance to complete the application. Residents wanting assistance in their first language can call Council's Language Line on 9932 1212 and ask to speak with an interpreter.
- Supporting information must be provided to evidence your application, such as bank statements and Centrelink and/or taxation information
- Your application is assessed by Council Officers using the Financial Hardship Policy or COVID-19 Financial Assistance Policy
- Your application will be reviewed and you will be notified in writing within 21 days of the outcome.
Where can you get help?
Financial Counselling Victoria (FCVic) is the peak body for Financial Counsellors in Victoria and can help you find a financial counsellor – visit for more information.
The National Debt Helpline provides free, confidential counselling for people experiencing financial difficulty - visit or call 1800 007 007 for more information.