Mobile Vendor Permits

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The Mobile Vendor Policy has been developed to support the operations of mobile vendors within the municipality and to provide a framework for both Council staff and mobile vendor operators in regards to obtaining a permit for operation as well as the ongoing management of sites. 

As part of the Policy, a valid permit is required for any business wanting to sell goods and services from their vehicle. 

Click here to read the Mobile Vendor Policy(PDF, 450KB)  

The policy does not apply to:
• mobile vendors operating as part of a permitted event
• mobile vendors operating from private land or land operated by other government authorities

Please find below key information regarding this policy and the application process. 

To view the dynamic map click here and zoom in to better understand the exclusion zones and see street names. The dynamic map is updated regularly to include any additional stationary vendor sites.

What types of permits are there?

Two permit types are available:

  • Stationary Vendor Permit for an existing approved site, or a new location*
  • Itinerant Vendor Permit

*Applicants can also apply to have a site assessed as a new approved site for stationary vendors. Please visit 'New Approved site request' for more information.

Stationary vendors

Stationary vendors are mobile vendors who sell goods from an approved location (table below).




Tier 1

Point Gellibrand Park (Timeball Tower),

Tier 1

Esplanade Street, Williamstown


Tier 2

Williamstown Boat Ramp, Newport


Tier 2

Altona Boat Ramp, Altona


Tier 2

Cherry Lake, Altona


Tier 2

Apex Park, Altona


As part of this permit, stationary vendors will have exclusive use of the approved site (ie. no other mobile vendors can operate within 100m).

On occasion Council may approve more than one permit per site if the business is not competitive (i.e. sells different goods) and is complementary to the other nearby mobile vendor.

Current stationary vendors are required to submit a new application prior to the expiry of their permit. Applications for current permit holders will be reviewed against other applicants.


Itinerant vendors

Itinerant vendors move from place to place to sell their goods.

Itinerant vendors must remain 100 metres or further away from:

  • any activity centre (as identified in the Activity Centre Strategy 2019-36)
  • existing bricks and mortar business' during hours of operation
  • any approved stationary site
  • another permitted mobile vendor


Itinerant / roaming vendors must not:  

  • operate in the same location for longer than two hours per day (excluding setup time) and may not return within 100 metres of that location within the same day
  • create a nuisance to nearby residents
  • attend any sporting, festival or community event without Council’s written consent or an approved application by the event organiser. If written consent has not been secured, then 100m must be maintained from the reserve or site while the event is taking place.

Itinerant vendors are also excluded from operating within the designated safety exclusion zones along the coastline. To see where itinerant vendors are able to operate, please use the dynamic map available here, and zoom in to better understand the exclusion zones and see the street names. A maximum of twelve itinerant mobile vendor permits will be made available across Hobsons Bay.


Approved sites/ New approved site request

An approved site is a Council site that is permitted for use of business operations. The site must be approved by Council before it can be used. 

The current approved locations are: 

  • Point Gellibrand (Timeball Tower), Williamstown
  • Esplanade Street, Williamstown
  • Williamstown Boat Ramp, Newport
  • Altona Boat Ramp, Altona
  • Cherry Lake, Altona
  • Apex Park, Altona

Approval for new sites

Under the Mobile Vendor Policy, additional sites can be submitted for consideration.

To apply for a new stationary site, the site will need to be assessed for suitability as an approved site for stationary vendors. Once this is done, and the site is approved, you will need to apply for a stationary vendor permit.

Please note:

  • Applying for a new site does not guarantee you will receive a permit for it
  • A maximum of sixteen sites will be designated as approved locations/sites
  • Sites must be situated 100 metres away of an activity centre (as identified in the Activity Centre Strategy 2019-36), an existing brick and mortar business or a permitted mobile vendor 
  • Some sites greater than 100 metres apart may not be approved to minimise congregations of trucks and competition in services
  • On occasion Council may approve more than one permit per site if the business is not competitive (i.e. sells different goods) and is complementary to the other nearby mobile vendor

Suitable sites

When looking at potential new sites, Council will apply the following criteria:

  • Preference will be given to sites spread evenly throughout the municipality and provide access to goods and services in locations where there is limited access to local products and services
  • Sites must not obstruct pedestrian flow, vehicular traffic, driveways (including line of site for motorists) or bicycle lanes, and must have adequate queuing and waiting areas
  • Sites must be located on Council land, not Vic Roads nominated roads
  • Access to parking, taxis, loading zones and bus zones must be maintained
  • Ensure access to public street furniture such as seats, bicycle parking, drinking fountains, rubbish bins, telephone booths and post boxes is not compromised
  • Sites must not impact local residents
  • Sites must not impact local amenity, sites of heritage significance or cause damage or disrupt local flora and fauna

Permit fees


Please note:

  • Annual fees are valid from 1 August to 31 July and are subject to change. 
  • Permit fees will be charged annually starting from August. Pro-rata fees will apply for permits issued between September and April. 
  • A minimum fee of $1,019 for Tier 1 and $679 for Tier 2 will apply for annual permits issued from May to July. 
  • Vendors can apply for multi-year permits of up to maximum of three years which will guarantee the site for that duration. Conditions of the multi-year permit will include:
    • operational commitment during the 3 years
    • renewal fees paid annually
    • insurance and registrations updated upon expiry

Permit provision

  • Permits are reviewed annually to ensure equity and accessibility for mobile vendors
  • Applications for new permits open on 1 July and close 30 May the following year (no permits issued in June)
  • All permit renewals will be processed with consideration to current demand for mobile trading and the impact on local businesses and the Hobsons Bay community
  • A maximum of one vendor permit per location will be issued for approved locations/sites. Note: on occasion Council may approve more than one permit per site if the business is not competitive (i.e. sells different goods) and is complementary to the other nearby mobile vendor 
  • A maximum of sixteen sites will be designated as approved locations/sites
  • A maximum of twelve itinerate mobile vendor permits will be made available across Hobsons Bay
  • A maximum of two permits will be issued to individual vendors with Council reserving the right to refuse applications if they limit the diversity of goods being offered for sale
  • Noncompliance to any of the conditions of the permit or this policy will render the permit void and leave the mobile vendor in breach of Hobsons Bay Community Local Laws Part 12, Sections 115 and 116

Application Process and Form

Please contact Council prior to making a submission online to see if the site is available. If the site is available fill out the online form via the Greenlight portal below.

  • All new permit applications must be submitted online for assessment
  • Permits will be processed in order of receipt
  • Existing annual permit holders will be required to submit documents for renewal, prior to the expiry of the current permit (31 July). Failure to do so may result in the permit being allocated to another vendor.
  • No applications will be accepted during the month of June

As part of the application, you also need to upload the following information:

  • Copy of Public Liability insurance policy or certificate (to the value of $20 million and noting "Hobsons Bay City Council" as an interested party) valid for the duration of the permit
  • Proof of business or company registration (Australian Business Register)
  • Copy of Foodtrader registration (where a licence is required under the Food Act)
  • Proof of current vehicle registration and insurance (and towing vehicle if relevant)
  • Copy of applicant's drivers licence
  • Copy of all Council registrations

Please note: Applicant's details must match ABN, licensee and licenced vehicle details

Apply here

Application Assessment

Applications will be assessed with permits allocated in accordance with the Mobile Vendor Policy and the following criteria:

  • Impact on established businesses
  • Increased economic diversity and business diversification
  • Preference for businesses located within Hobsons Bay
  • Preference will be given to annual permits
  • Social connection opportunities
  • Activation of underutilised areas of the city
  • Environmental performance of vendors (e.g. eliminating use of single use plastics) 


  • All mobile vendors must hold a valid Mobile Vendor Permit, and operate in line with the permit conditions
  • All permits granted are subject to the provisions of the Hobsons Bay Community Local Law Part 12, sections 115 and 116 and must be produced upon request by an Authorised Officer. 
  • Failure to comply with conditions of the permit, may result in the permit being revoked and the permit holder liable to an on the spot infringement or possible prosecution.

Council reserves the right, irrespective of anything contained in this Policy, to revoke, suspend or cancel a permit that has been issued, or the approval of a specific site. Council will refund on a pro-rata basis any permit application fees that have been paid, but will not be liable for any lost business, income or other business cost associated with the exercise of this clause.

How can my business be more sustainable?

Transitioning to a sustainable mobile vendor business model can help to reduce costs and find operating efficiencies while building a positive reputation and meeting community expectations.  

The Mobile Vendor Sustainability Guidelines(PDF, 9MB) provides vendors with tips and tricks for becoming more sustainable. 


If you have any questions in relation to a mobile vendor permit, please do not hesitate to email 

If you are ready to proceed with an application click here